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zum's picture

Important New Developments in the Field of Trainwrecking

Enough of those boring, crusty low-tech games! Let's talk about a fancy new mipmappin' big-time release for once!

Son of a dolphin's picture

The Hunter's Dance


A little thing i made with stencyl, hopefully not too bad, i didn't really enjoy making it too much, but i learned a lot, and i made my impulsive idea a reality.

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Nikita's picture

Cereal Number

Cereal Number.png
Game File: 

My first game i have ever made!
ooh yeah finally at it again, do you ever think. Yes i am at your own risk. Hello i am your coworker, look at this great delicious cereal, it must be better. Void void loop blim, drink my milk my child. Yes consume the milk, cereal here ballin, looks like a milk drink it youll love it. Just check it out i am drinking it it's great.

Please don't take this seriously, i have never developed or created any games and i have partly made this as a joke. I wanted to learn how to learn games and make one in one day and this happened, This game contains no code at all.

Great minute experience, criticism and parody of postmodernism in media which makes it postpostmodernism.

Music - Bull Of Heaven - 210: Like a Wall in Which an Insect Lives and Gnaws

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dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

OH NO! an evil wizard has ENSORCLED you and your three friends! now all four of you move as a single unit! can you and your friends work together to get through this dastardly GAUNTLET?

player 1: Q
player 2: Z
player 3: M
player 4: U
press SPACE to make all characters fire!

if you've only got two players, each player controls two characters!

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An event
dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

you're a space marine! your enormous bulk and tank controls are a boon when fighting space monsters, but it sure gets in the way when you're trying to shop for groceries! pick up a carton of eggs, but try not to rack up your bill too high in the process!

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An event

Truffles Stealth Action


A little time ago I started thinking about a stealth game where enemies would track you by sense of smell. This turned into a silly prototype where actually the enemies just have a larger collision radius and move in fixed paths, so it's not even really a "stealth" game. You control the last truffle on earth (trust me, I looked at several pictures of truffles to try to get it right, if it looks like something else that's my lack of skill...) trying to avoid the pigs that can detect you if you get too close. Anyway, it was already on ice so, why not add it to this event... I just added some screens (title, game over) and another "level".

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Gravity Can't Apple


This is the first game I ever made in anything besides Game Maker, so don't expect anything super.

Basic instructions:
Mouse to move the basket.
Catch apples in the basket.

Other information:
The game doesn't have an end, so just play until you're bored.
The frame rate is capped at 60 fps, without that the apples will go too fast/slow.
If your frame rate is below 60 for some reason, the game won't work how it is supposed to.

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sergiocornaga's picture



A gimmick.

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Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Godly Luck

Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 3.15.09 PM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

the idea is that you select the day that you are on and it give you a fortune, that's it

ihavefivehat came up with some of the fortunes

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Made For: 
An event
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