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qrleon's picture

Atomic Blast, a salvaged Game Maker game


Oh shit, I never posted about this one. I began Atomic Blast several months ago, while scoping out Game Maker 7. After a couple of goddamn weird error messages, and some icky stories about the registration DRM, I gave up on purchasing the full version.

This began as a ripoff of Destructivator, a twitchy arcade-style game I really like. Cloning got boring though, so I switched gears. The final game has a few tricky sections, but it's pretty laid back in comparison. Many more screens were planned, but it felt like I had already done everything I wanted to in the first twelve. I spent this evening tying up some loose ends, and well, here it is. Now, onto other things (JOHR).

edit #3: Ack, fixed more errors. Reuploading as ZIP, deleting the previous versions.

Atomic_Blast1.03.zip2.68 MB
spiders's picture

Space Funeral 3D

Game File: 

Space Funeral 3D, the genderbending life-action space-opera sequel to the 2010 hit classic. Space Funeral 3D takes place a million-billion years after Phillip's and Leg Horse's last outing and includes new characters and settings, state-of-the-art 3D technology, an officially compiled soundtrack and many strange secrets to be unraveled in the lands of Space Funeral.


I. Download KateLabs from https://thewaether.itch.io/katelabs and put the 'spacefuneral3d.kl' file into the KateLabs folder.

II. Start KateLabs and load the level. Make sure to DISABLE 'Edit Mode' in the menu!

III. Please start the following playlist and let it run in the background. It is the unofficial Space Funeral 3D soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnY8FDq93h0&list=PLWQGU3-meUFb1J9CMEunkDx1Ehk_4Ck8w

IV. Blood Blood Blood


Q: What is this fleshy prison that you've trapped me in?? How do I control this form?
A: Use WASD to move around and SPACE to jump. You can interact with things or talk to people with ENTER, watch for the prompt in the bottom corner! You might learn more advanced controls ingame...

Q: HELP! I fell off the FERRY! -or- HELP! I fell under the OCEAN floor?!!?!? AAAAAHHhh!!!
A: There will be an emergency TELEPORT back to the OCEAN near the start of the level. Just go up the escalator once you've respawned.

Q: Everything is LAGGY!
A: Remember to disable EDIT MODE before loading the level.

Q: Where is the MUSIC?
A: Please start this playlist once you've loaded the game:

Q: How do I get past the bouncer and enter BACKSTAGE?
A: Do you like DUMPSTERS??

Q: How did LEG HORSE become HAND HORSE?
A: Trademark dispute.

Q: How do I defeat the MISTRESS OF LOFT AND SPIRE in the SKULL SEWERS? I've used all my TESSERACTS but now the MISTRESS is continually egressing and I can only buff TRAP MAGIC???
A: ?????????????????????????


Space Funeral 3D was created by a dedicated team of unpaid volunteers over a timespan of about half a year (with most of that time taken up by the map file just lying around and accumulating dust). Someone accidentally dug up the project just in time for the deadline of Kate's Informal Katelabs Jam (https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/12033), so now you have to suffer through this mess. Play it or perish!

Thanks to Kate for creating such a fun game/tool! Thank you to the BBC Radiophonic Workshop for preemptively composing the soundtrack for Space Funeral 3D half a century ago. Thank you to thecatamites for inspiring the original character of Hand Horse™. Thank you to all Space Funeral fangame makers, especially all those that never published their work anywhere and just left their beautifully unfinished RPG Maker projects germinating in some subfolder. Also thank you to Nintendo for providing the Mario™ license to Camelot Software Planning - where would we be without them?

spiders & krisekrise
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The memory menu

You want the menu ? Then find the pairs!

Made For: 
An event
anne laplantine's picture

Color a Crocodile

Game File: 

Made For: 
An event
colorcrocodile.zip62.84 KB
Super-Dot's picture


Game File: 


(play on the webs)

Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010
fizzhog's picture

Xena in the Garden of Cheese

Game File: 

A little thing made for Grid Grind 2021 from 'Endless Garden, 'Xena' and 'Cheese'. I went very literal with the themes. There's not a lot to it - just an arcadey game played for high scores and it makes no sense but I had fun making it and hopefully it will entertain you for a few minutes. And there's lots in there for Xena fans - so much so that it makes the game harder to play but I liked the idea of a game weighed down by (innocuous) fan service.

It seems odd to mention credits for a game so obviously beyond the pale re stealing IP but apart from the makers of the show I used material from xenafan.com, OpenGameArt.org, Pixabay.com and freesound.org.

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V Fighter

Game File: 

A simple shooter with mouse aim. Move with cursor, shoot with mouse. Stay alive as long as possible.

Made For: 
An event
fotocopiadora's picture

warrior of sunlight


a card game about mysterious visions...

in the sunlit loneliness of the small town, strange gateways open in dreams, like phosphenes of meaning.

cw: general spookiness, mentions of worms

made for marek kapolka as part of sekret santa 2019! ho ho ho

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

52 Pickup

Game File: 

The classic solitaire game, now on your desktop PC.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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