
sergiocornaga's picture

nailed it


I did the bulk of this the night of Flik of The Month Flub #1, but put aside finishing it until the day after because the art was so much work. Then I got sick for a week, crushing my plans. I only ended up finishing it today.

Colour scheme drawn from "I Let The Sunglasses Do The Talking", then ruined by adding additional colours.

Made For: 
An event
david_is_neato's picture

my time at bar


i made this for the flick of the month i hope this upload form works : )

i went for a walk because my house was hot
and i ended up at a bar
and i drank and took some pictures (digital and mental)
and i made this about the happen

Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture


Image 2015-07-18 at 7.55.31 PM.png

Click on colours in the foreground.

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

therein lies


My attempt at an abstract flickgame.

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

an average life


This is an accurate description of an average life from birth to death. We leave all interpretation to the viewers.

Sergio Cornaga & rhetoricstu
Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Ghorkak Baknular Hjeiunil Nimbramniti Nianomipou miHiglmnbGG vErnamioLomnionix HniiononoAnilm'iol Ghartmeakenterenian Haermemeow


Inspired by these other very good games which you may have played or even made depending on what person you are:!

16 Rooms 16 Doors 16 Colors by everythingstaken

Apparition Plate Savers by ghettowreath

It is partially an adventure game, but you can't read most of the text because of bad handwriting and eye straining color combinations; so don't try too hard to read them. If you find something illegible, give up and just use your imagination instead of getting frustrated.

Made For: 
An event
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