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wibi's picture

What is google adwords and which is top ppc agencies?


Google Adwords is a method adopted by any online businessman for managing his or her Google Adwords marketing campaigns.

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dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

robots hate motorcycles, they see it as a mockery of their mechanical life

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Pirate Kart 2
SpindleyQ's picture

Figure Skating Phone Dialer TECH PREVIEW

Game File: 

A tech preview of DIGITAL: A Love Story On Ice! Dial the phone number to your favourite BBS through the medium of interpretive dance! Then, absolutely nothing happens!

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wibi's picture

Jumper 4 Real (v0.7.1)

Game File (Linux): 

here's jumper 4 real right now. it comes with a pretty nice editor, a help file, a tutorial levelset, a recreation of some levels from jumper 2, and two short probably way too hard levelsets. and some other junk. and my own music.

the version listed as for linux is just the original .love source; j4r hasn't been tested for any platform other than windows.
(though when i was testing the exe in the "windows version" the music randomly cut out at one point, so installing love and running the .love version is probably the most stable)

assuming that the game actually works right now unlike cute jump 2 on launch, you can make your own levelsets and share them with other people. yay. cool. if it doesn't work tell me and then i'll fix it. yay. cool.

ogmo 4ever.

OCTOBER 31ST 2023: version update from v0.6.0 to v0.7.1. added gems, lightbridges, new sfx (no more SMW rips), and control rebinding menu. among other stuff. check the changelog ingame (press F1) for more details

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LauriWeb's picture

MUHAMMAD 5 The verwourren TimeSpaceDoor


The decades of suffering are over! Muhammad 5 is finally released worldwide!
Because at least 0.3 people played Muhammad 1-4, the wonderful and epic finale to the Muhammad pentalogy is finally released worldwide!
You wanted it so it is finally released worldwide!

The Timespacedoor has been opened!
Muhammad III woke up in old Berulohr caves 40 years after his adventure in Muhammad 4 and received the task to find Muhammad I, Muhammad I the King, and Muhammad II in order to defeat the evil Sak, a mysterious new villain who opened the timespacedoor to destroy the past and make him the king of the world.

What an awful plan.

Now all the Muhammads are on a magical journey through time and space to defeat Sak and make the world happy again.

-Bigger and better than every other game
-more than 274897432974092749027490724720947920³ Levels
-not as hard as Muhammad 4
-Finally released worldwide!
-Not Professor EagleEye
-Better story than Inception
-Better story than Bionicle

Play it.

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Son of a dolphin's picture

Knytt of The Month #9?

I didn't know about knytt stories when it came out, i only found out about it a year ago on jayisgames. I sorta wanted to make a custom level or two, even though it's kinda dead. Would anyone be interested in doing another knytt of the month klub thing? i'll probably do something either way, maybe i'd even try to make one that would take longer than two hours, but it would be cool to do it along with other people.

Twine macro: <<else if>>, an improvement to <<if>>

Update: This macro is now built into Twine 1.4! It is no longer necessary to install it.

This is not strictly a new macro, but a replacement version of the <<if>> macro. You might have noticed that nesting the <<if>> macro can get a bit messy:

<<if $fire eq "warm">>
The fire isn't hot yet.
<<if $medal eq "water">>
You medal protects you.
<<if $dead gt 0>>
Not again!
You died!

The <<else if>> macro allows you to essentially have multiple <<if>> macros chained together, without needing to nest each of them within the <<else>> / <<endif>> tag pair of the other:

<<if $fire eq "warm">>
The fire isn't hot yet.
<<else if $medal eq "water">>
You medal protects you.
<<else if $dead gt 0>>
Not again!
You died!

The macro code is here:
Obsolete script removed: use Twine 1.4

You might wonder why I chose "else if" instead of "elseif"... I guess my mind flipped a coin and the 'natural language' side shone upward.

If someone else has already developed a similar macro, as I suspect they might, then do tell.

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

fcastello's picture



i like when you play my game!!!

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Kate B's picture

Caught Between Dimensions


This started as a tiny platformer I was making over the last few days, and I was thinking ehhh I'll keep it really small and tight. It got slightly bigger, but still didn't get so big as to become unmanagable. It also got an extra coat of polish, somehow. I think that was pure accident. But anyway, here it is. It follows the story of a girl stuck in another dimension trying to get out. It uses some old sprites that I also had half-baked ideas for.

It's got 4 levels, and makes heavy use of a mechanic called "air walking" which I was going to use in another game that I also didn't finish, so I thought for a long time that I wanted to give it a proper outing. The mechanic involves running off edges, and being able to float in the air for a split second. Think Wile E. Coyote running off a cliff. It also makes a satisfying "pop" noise like a gas stove clicking on.

You can use this to get more air. I built the whole game around this mechanic. There's no combat, just platforming. It let me really experiment with this idea

Arrow Keys: move
Z: interact
M: mute sound
Esc: pause

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rosden's picture


Game File: 

A game about grids that increase in the number of lines it contains at a slow meditative pace.

It was an experiment in creating an abstract emotional experience.
I don't think it achieved my desired result though but I couldn't find how to make it work better.

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