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hey guys whats going on in this forum?

So anyway after seeing insert credit's forums rise from the dead again, I checked out the 'Development Forum' and after a post about The Games Factory, Rerorero pointed me here. As soon as I get the hang of posting stuff, maybe I'll upload my space invaders/galaga/galaxian clone, at the moment simply titled 'invaders'. (I'll probably decide on a name once it's ready for release, but at the moment Invaders would be... y'know I don't know if it'd be considered a 'tentative title' or a 'working title' anyway that's what I'm calling it.

Hopefully I'll be able to check out some of your guys' stuff, so see you around!


SpindleyQ's picture

Community-Driven Moderation

Hey everybody! This is a thread where I'm hoping to nail down and make explicit my perspective on how Glorious Trainwrecks functions as a community, my role in that as the founder and absentee landlord of the site, and how the community can hopefully be empowered to protect itself if necessary.

Over the past... lots of years, it's become clear that I'm no longer very involved in the community; I don't regularly read the posts, I don't play the games, I don't post games here. As such, I don't quite think of Glorious Trainwrecks as "my" site anymore - it's your site! I just keep the lights on, and as always I promise to do so for as long as I am capable of it. So every so often, when a problem comes up, I have made noise to the effect that I think the community needs to have the tools to moderate itself.

However, it's also becoming clear to me that people really like the way that I have run this place -- that my early work shaping the community continues to shape it, and that the community, over the past 13 years, has built up a lot of trust in me to do right by them. I don't want to betray that trust and I want the community to feel confident that no one else will betray that trust either. As such it seems that my role is probably always going to be a little bit bigger than just the janitor who keeps the lights on.

So here is what I am thinking:

  1. If anyone sees something on Glorious Trainwrecks that is not okay, and they would like me to take action, I will continue to be responsive to PMs, as I have always been. (I'm also reachable quickly on Discord - SpindleyQ#2039.) I will continue to intervene, when necessary. I will continue to publicly reaffirm my vision of GT as a place where people are kind to each other, and where bigotry of all sorts is not tolerated.
  2. There are a few community members who have moderator-level abilities, currently they are sergiocornaga and Danni. They are longstanding members of the community who have consistently shown good judgement; I trust them to take the well-being of the members of Glorious Trainwrecks seriously, and to ask for help when they need it.
  3. Moderation is to be used as a response to harm. I will continue to post detailed justification about significant acts of moderation that I do; it is always important to make it clear and obvious to all that harm will be taken seriously, and that our response will be appropriate. And if our response was not appropriate, it is important to have a clear place for that conversation to happen, and to learn from mistakes.

Moderation guidelines:
  1. If in doubt, talk to the larger community, other moderators, and/or me.
  2. Prefer reversible actions (unpublishing pages, blocking users) to non-reversible actions (deleting, editing).
  3. Take the necessary action to reduce harm to the greater community quickly, but _always_ follow up with the appropriate level of transparency. If the offending user is active, they should always be informed of what action was taken and why; they are going to notice, and it is important that they know what happened, even if they have been acting in bad faith. (This doesn't necessarily mean you are starting a dialogue, or that the moderation action is up for debate.) If serious deletion-level moderation was required, a community post should also be made with similar information; again, this makes it very clear to everyone what we stand for and what we will and will not tolerate.
  4. Do not feel like you must take any action alone. We are all here to help.

Does this sound good to everybody? Is anything missing?

Blueberry Soft's picture


Someone (clyde???) setup this cosey little Discord channel for game making talking.

It's just a few people, and maybe for that reason the only one I bother keeping up with.

Definitely GT-friendly!!


Is the IRC channel still going?

atuun's picture


Game File: 

[I was rumaging around on my old computer and found a couple old Klik and Play games! They probably won't work on modern computers!]

So here's a story: I was at Global Game Jam in 2010, and was assigned to a team that didn't really know what they were doing. As I watched our programmer scratch his head, I was messing around in Klik and Play on my laptop because my art stuff was done. As the members of another group walked by us, one of them caught a glance of my screen and said: "Oh my God, is that *Klik and Play?*"

Dear reader, my new friend and I spent several sleepless, giddy hours that weekend coming up with absurd scenarios to add to this smorgasbord of Warioware-style goodness. The theme of that Global Game Jam was 'deception', and the idea was that there was a deceptive thing in each level. If I remember correctly, we decided against formally submitting it in case this was viewed as disrespectful to the organizers. But it was such a long time ago, I don't exactly remember. Anyway, good times! I remember it much better than the 'real' game we submitted. I think I didn't submit this here at the time because I lost contact with the person I worked with it on, but it's so far in the past it probably doesn't matter now. The moral of the story is that if someone recognizes KNP, they are good people.

Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture

Let's celebrate the 9th AND 10th year anniversaries of Glorious Trainwrecks!

Sun, Apr 24 2016 01:00 AM
04/24/2016 - 01:00
04/24/2017 - 23:00

So, today is the 9th anniversary of Glorious Trainwrecks! That's like... a bit more than twice as long as I've been here, wow?!? That's really amazing. I don't know who else has been here for 9 years in a row other than SpindleyQ, but even then like. Congratulations!! On such a successful enterprise. I haven't done anything for more than 9 years continuously, other than breathing.

Well, to celebrate this, I thought to myself: what if I made a year long event starting today, and ending on the 10th anniversary? "Perfect!" - my reaction. 9 years is very impressive, but the only thing more impressive (that isn't 11) is 10: its' the first double digit, and it's a nice round number, and also it's 10! For some reason numbers like that sound nice.

I don't want to throw out celebrating the 9th anniversary either, so this event will combine both. Want to celebrate the 9th anniversary now? You can do that! Want to plan ahead for the 10th anniversary? This will help you do that! Want to celebrate the 10th anniversary now? You can do that too, I guess? Want to celebrate the 9th anniversary in a year? I'm not even going to make a snarky comment because I don't believe in submissions being "late"!

So here we go. I will one day submit something to this event, but for now I am too busy. Also, I recognize that the greatest event postings include many amusing gifs and regular images, but I do not have the time to gather suitable ones up. I will gladly take suggestions in the comments. Also SpindleyQ, feel free to edit this post to put some in!!

Haaaappy birthday everybody!

Games made for Let's celebrate the 9th AND 10th year anniversaries of Glorious Trainwrecks!

Streakosaurus TURBO


Wanton nude streaker penguins are spreading terror in an important soccer match, that's why you need to shoot them with police officers to score goals and win the game. Has Serbian music.

Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

InfraBaby Update

So, the working name for my homebrew videogame system for infants is now InfraBaby. If anyone has any better suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Though I can't test it until my IR receiver arrives in the mail, I've built the core of the system. I've got a small Python program that reads data from LIRC, and, based on a configuration object, presses keys in Windows. Obviously I've still got some work to do to discover what codes the V.Smile emits, but I'm hoping that'll end up being relatively straightforward.

Now, if everyone was happy writing python code to configure their games, and starting up three programs whenever they wanted their baby to play a game, I'd be done. But no -- I'm coming to the realization that I've got a frontend to write, which lets you set up configurations for your games, and has one-click (or one-press-the-orange-circle) launching of games. I'm really, really itching to give the program a try, but at least a proper user interface will give me something to do while I wait for the damn sensor to come.

Strong's picture

Mystic Steamboat Adventures

Game File: 

You're a steamboat in a weird river thing! Press left and right to move left and right. It's really a peaceful adventuretrip.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
TheCakeFlavor's picture


Sat, Nov 27 2021 06:00 PM
11/27/2021 - 18:00
01/10/2022 - 09:29

Welcome to GT’s sekret santa, the event where people make a list of things they like to see, and then those lists are randomly assigned to other participants to make a present for them.

Do you wanna participate? Here’s how it will go:

First, before DECEMBER 10TH you have to make and comment a list of things you would be interested in seeing in your present. Please keep in mind that your Santa may have a different skillset than what you’re expecting, and try to make your requests achievable by all sorts of people.

Then, after DECEMBER 10TH I’ll secretly send you a person’s list, and then you get to make them a present!! You’ll have a month to do it but it’s alright if you give your gift late, there’s no pressure.


A NEW TWIST: When you're commenting the list of things you would want, you should also include the amount of time you're planning to work on your gift. "I think I'm going to spend about 2 weeks on this present." It's just a guideline, of course, but I think it'll be helpful for everyone.


Along with the list, you’ll also be sent a link to one of the discord servers for the event. The person who you’re making a game for and the person who is making your game will not be in the same server as you, so you can share how your progress is going with some peers.


Maybe you’re interested, but this seems like a lot of commitment. Well, there are other roles available to keep this event running smoothly. You can sign up to be a Sekret Fairey , which means you get access to all of the servers and you can see how everyone’s doing. Or you can sign up to be a Backup Santa , which means you can jump in if someone can’t finish their gift. These roles don’t submit lists, so they can join at any time.

Games made for SEKRET SANTA 2021: EXTREME

FlaviusMaximus's picture


Game File: 


press 1, 2 or 3 to change control between the 3 characters.
only the blue one can press the blue switch, and only the red one can press the red switch.
go get the banana go go
peel it

feel the banana

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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