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A Knight of Faith


In this five-minute game about Kierkegaard's philosophy, you make decisions and face a challenging test. Will you become the Knight of Faith?

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Super Crazy Ultra Pongball TWIST

Game File: 

An incredible new take on the classic game "Pong" Almost 4 minutes in the making! It's pong. But where YOU play the ball!

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Lynx's picture

MvsM (Man versus Machine)

Game File: 

A demo of a quick action stick shooter.
Be the man to best the machines.

Use the mouse to aim bullets and grenades.
Basic WASD movement

Exit the level through the door to win

Created in MMF2

Press "P" at the title screen to play

Lowered file size.
Added room and green keycard.
New Boss

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Zecks's picture

The 21st Coming of Jesus: Judgment Day to the Maximum

Game File: 

The world is ending, just like predicted. The world is becoming a living hell, meteorites are falling like there's no tomorrow. Jesus has been dispatched to hold off the final hour for as long as possible, BY MASHING THE X BUTTON AS FAST AS HE JESUSELY CAN AND JUMPING BLINDLY IN FRONT OF THE METEORS.

It's a quite boring game on the whole, but the intro rules.

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Making my first good game


I don't know if anyone still uses these forums, scrolling the recent posts tab there's some posts at the bottom that are almost older than I am, I mean by the looks of things this site was most active before the breakup of Yugoslavia into serperate states... but, if you're reading this, hiii! I'm working on a game for the open world jam, and I guess I'll drop my thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, grievances, and mediations here semi-regularly (about once every 4-6 years) while I try and beat this game into a semi playable state.

My plan for the game:
I like David Lynch films, max payne, the US state of Florida, and landscape painting, and I'm not a big fan of neo-nazis. My plan is to combine all of this into something of an open world game, have the player gunning around the sticks shooting krauts in a third person shooter kind of game. So far I've at least got the third person shooting part done and dusted. Aside from that... well it needs some work to be honest, and in terms of playability I'd rather stab myself in the balls with a fork than play the 'game' at this stage, although that's been a bit of a running theme in all of my games up to this point.

My mid term goal is to try and make a somewhat playable demo to showcase the game and get people's thoughts on it up to that point (assuming I can find peoples to play it). The demo would probably be something small, an old plantation manor where you're tasked with assasinating the fictional florida governor to put and end to his kraut collaberation. It gives me an oppurtunity to work in all of the most major systems the game needs to work, and experiment with a mini open world (that being the plantation estate and its sprawling gardens) before moving onto the real deal.

Today I've been working on cats, a cooking system, animating and fixing the cataracts I seem to have given all of my enemies' AI when I unkowingly deleted/added some code somewhere.

JonathanWhiting's picture

Glitched TANK

Game File: 

Yo dawg, I heard yaWGWGHAWEOGIFHAWEIUGFAHEFUWHU"H#235#23#5 FPS' so we put an FPS in your FPS so you canawfWFAWJFOIUAWHOUFIAWEGF AOINWfgwi 43y2p#95yrhalk.

Jonathan Whiting
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Smiley Island

Game File: 

SMILEY ISLAND is VAPORWARE. Please share it with your friends! It was developed from scratch in Klik & Play during the late 90s and has been resurrected. This is not your run of the mill platform game! Smiley is based on Pac-Land and Super ZZT Land among others. Features include parallax scrolling frontwards and backwards, elegant collision detection, re-purposed arcade-style graphics and a full size course with room to spare! The project aims to push KNP's limits with only minor adjustments in Fusion for the WIN32 and HTML5 builds. Support the development of this game by donating.

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hellojed's picture

Auto Musuem 64


For a long time I wanted to make a museum of N64 cars, after figuring out how to rip models from an emulator. Well during a particularly bad stretch of job hunting and with me kind of burnt out over my long term project I decided to take a few weeks off and do anything else. And this is the result! A virtual car museum specific to the Nintendo 64

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kirkjerk's picture


Game File: 

absolutely the finest dinosaur boxing bee smulation IN THE WORLD

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