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Wertpol's picture

Prof. EagleEye

Game File: 

The Prof. sees differences.
He wants you to see them as well.
But is that really all there is to it...??

-341 lush, hand drawn environments
-stunning gameplay of finding differences
-fleshed out world and storyline
-good game
-won 43 game of the year awards
-endless fun

Made For: 
An event
Noyb's picture

Pixel Hunt

Game File: 

Can you find the magenta pixel in every level?

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
KlikBot's picture

Klik of the Month Klub #68

Sat, Feb 16 2013 05:00 PM
02/16/2013 - 16:00
02/16/2013 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action.

Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. We've also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to glorioustrainwrecks.com using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings! Join the mayhem!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up using the "Sign Up" tab above if you want to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for Klik of the Month Klub #68

Make a Twine Game in 40 Minutes


Make a Twine Game in 40 Minutes: An intense aesthetic design select-em-up, now available!

*Mouse's underside: roll it around a flat surface to control the on-screen arrow.
*Mouse's left pressure plate: deploy a C.L.I.C.K charge, used to activate the ancient Hyper-Link artifacts that you may encounter on your quest.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
KlikBot's picture

Kackling Korpse of the Monster Klaw #64

Sat, Oct 20 2012 04:00 PM
10/20/2012 - 16:00
10/20/2012 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action.

Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. Join the mayhem!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you want to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

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Games made for Kackling Korpse of the Monster Klaw #64

zum's picture


Game File: 

By far the most expensive Glorious Trainwreck ever produced, WATERMELONS: A PEOPLE'S HISTORY: PART I chronicles the meteoric rise to prominence of the humble watermelon as a source of entertainment, opening with its glamorous beginnings as an essential comedy prop. Experience the thrilling techniques employed by the greatest entertainers in the world firsthand in WATERMELONS: A PEOPLE'S HISTORY: PART I!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
kirkjerk's picture

CAoleslaw 0.01, no fun at all

this is so much a work in progress it's not even funny, or fun.

So one year "rince"'s entry in the Obfuscated C Contest (I'm not your damn Google, but see http://www.ioccc.org/1993/ , the "rince" files) was a program called CABBAGE, Cellular Automata Based, Beautifully Abysmal Game Environment. I'm taking an inspiration but not an implementation (on any level, and probably losing most of the elegance) from him and trying to do something similar in java. If it works you can share really lame games just by cutting and pasting strings and I have all sorts of weird debugger ideas in mind but right now it's just a heap of Java bleh. Download and fire up processing if you want to see it; I'm posting it here to try to kick my butt into finishing it, and so I can download the file instead of having to carry it around with me when I do want to work on it.

CAolslaw.pde_.txt4.68 KB

Rats World (for fotocopiadora)


Rats World. A little world where rats wander and play.... what secrets does it hide?

This is an exploration puzzle game with somewhat obtuse mechanics and lots of hidden passages. It is a Sekret Santa gift for fotocopiadora. I didn't make it entirely by myself; I had some help with the audio from my friend Hubol (hubolhubolhubol.com).

fotocopiadora's wishlist was:
- rats/scorpions/bugs
- plenty of menus (of the videogame sort not food menus)
- secrets
anything not in this list is probably ok as well though

Arrow Keys or WASD: Move
Enter or Space: Action

Graphics, Design, and Programming: Sylvie
Music and Sound: Hubol

You can listen to and purchase the Rats World Ost on Hubol's Bandcamp: hubol.bandcamp.com/album/rats-world-ost

If you get stuck, here are some general hints. Use ROT13 (rot13.com) to decode them.
- Gb svtug lbh jvyy arrq Urnyguf. Tnva vg ol rngvat guvatf bss gur tebhaq.
- Tnva Fgeratguf ol svtugvat engf naq fpbecvbaf. Fgeratguf yrg lbh chfu pregnva oybpxf.
- Tnva Jvfqbzf ol ernqvat obbxf. Jvfqbzf yrg lbh cnff fcrpvsvp bofgnpyrf.
- Tnva Punevfznf ol gnyxvat gb punenpgref. Fbzr punenpgref jvyy gryy lbh frpergf vs lbhe Punevfznf vf uvtu.
- Tnva Yhpxf ol svaqvat gernfherf. Lbh arire xabj jura vg jvyy uryc lbh.
- Jura lbh vapernfr Fgeratguf ol bar yriry, gel erivfvgvat byq nernf gb svaq arj oybpxf gb chfu.
- Jura lbh vapernfr Punevfznf ol bar yriry, gel gnyxvat gb punenpgref ntnva gb frr vs gurl gryy lbh arj vasb.
- Gurer ner frireny xvaqf bs frperg cnffntrf. Nf jryy nf snxr naq chfunoyr jnyyf, lbh pna svaq vaivfvoyr fgnvef!

sylvie & hubol
Made For: 
An event
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