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Pizza Time's picture

The Virtual Swordsmen

Dessgeega asked me to update this game I did for a KOtM some time ago for her Babycastles shindig which I heard went down well. So here it is for everyone else to play because why not. Two player only as per usual and it actually has sound for a change.

tvs2.rar252.01 KB
Ben's picture

KnP 1996 newsletter?

Hi everyone!

Does anyone who used KNP around 1996 remember there being a newsletter of some sort? It may be UK only, but I remember my mate Dan sending his games off to it so that they could get played by others or at least reviewed and promoted in the newsletter. I'm not sure if it was print or on a floppy disk or even on the burgeoning internet somehow...

I can't find anything online. If anyone had any images or anything I would be incredibly interested..!

EDIT: it may have been called the Klik N Play Klub...

Durarik: Legend of the choice that isn't quite mattery

Game File (Mac): 

In durarik, All things must follow the flow of Durarik

In part one, your ship is heavily guarded, but can it be guarded moreso? Can it be given?

In part two, can an oil lever take stars without exposions? can It be done?

In part 3, is one to decide to draw a face or move on? I've never been able to draw a face/ person, but you have the opportunity if you want. It's not a big opportunity but it's yours regardless. Take all the time you want with some interruptions and getting angry with random. SPACE will spam out choices endlessly as continuous left click spamming is not part of the klik n play suite.

In part 4 is a trainwreck in itself, as you are a train finding your stop, what would you do to set off your top? Do you move that ubiquitous oil spill or gather it into your heart? that's YOUR choice pilgrim. Pave the way for the rest of the people and either wait 7 seconds for the choice dialogue or press - MINUS.. you know, the button between 0 and =.

Have you ever wanted to compose AND play football at the same time? I haven't, you might have. How dare I take away that opportunity from you? Where are my space manners? I gotta put these shoes on so I can go freely to the wrench store.

Lastly, here is where the episodic adventures of Durarik Continue, but they don't... They simply live on in our hearts and loop for now. Will there be more? I cannot adore the idea, for It's just complete now and hasn't sunken into our boots.

Alternate controls... Left Click, - AXE QUESTION = NEXT FRAME Backspace LAST FRAME... or for more parsedness

Next Frame (=)
Previous Frame (Backspace)
Ask Question (-)
Main Control (Left Mouse Click)
Alternate Body Mode on Frame 3 (Space)

ENJOY As I try to embed.. Click on the file link if you don't wanna embed, or the Zip if you're a purist who can run such klik concoctions as is.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture

Christmas Activities

Game File: 

made in TGF1


A collection of games for kids of all ages, featuring:

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CHRISTMAS: Tell Santa how much you love him to get the best gifts!

SNOW DAY: It's been snowing non-stop, and you know what that means! Not only is there no school, but you can go out and play in the snow!

TREE DECORATING: Time to put up that Christmas tree, and decorate it with candy canes and ornament bulbs! Be careful to not drop any!

LETTER OPENING: Woah, what's this? A stockpile of Christmas cards from all your relatives! Open em all up and see how many gift cards you got!

SNOWFLAKE CUTTING: Make paper snowflakes of your own creative design!

GIFT UNWRAPPING: Finally, it's Christmas Day! Unwrap your gifts to see what Santa brought!


Instructions are fully given within the game.

Made For: 
An event
dessgeega's picture


Fri, Oct 14 2011 04:13 PM
10/14/2011 - 16:13
10/17/2011 - 23:59


we're putting together a compilation of games to submit to the INDEPENDENT GAMES FESTIVAL! someone has offered to cover the entry fee, so this is your chance to be part of it!

have you made klik of the month games, text adventures, visual novels, adventure game toolkit games, anything? or feel free to make something new, right now!

EXCITEMIKE is generously compiling all of the games into a single compilation! send your games to him at MIKE AT MEYERMIKE DOT COM. the deadline is monday at midnight, but please don't wait to the last minute! RESPECT MIKE'S RIGHTS

if you have the multimedia fusion flash games exporter, please volunteer to convert some klik and play games to flash! it'd help a lot!

some discussion has already gone on in this thread.

Games made for LET'S ALL GO TO THE IGF!

sergiocornaga's picture

man vs. demon

Game File: 

A blasphemous flickgame fueled by The Compendium Of Demonology and Magic. Fellow flickgame creators, do not stray from the path of prudence as I have.

Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

KNP Tetris: The Grandmaster 4: Laughing Instinct

Game File: 

CW: Screen shake, fast-moving objects

A modern reimagining of qrleon's KNP Tetris (which you should probably play first).


Graphics: NASA, Alien Soldier, Sega Tetris, Doom, some of my own stuff, and the CoolText online generator
Music: The MIDI from KNP Tetris hastily fed through Renoise and various VSTs
Sounds: An unreleased soundpack I made for Nullpomino, TGF sound libraries, Gunstar Heroes, Nikki's voice, and Tama for the Sega Saturn

Made For: 
An event
MegaIlinx's picture


Game File: 

A pollinator is the biotic agent (vector) that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish syngamy.

Music co-produced by Ivo the Great.

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)
Son of a dolphin's picture


Game File: 

a short story for day #5

Made For: 
An event
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