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2sman's picture

It's late. You're sitting on the couch staring at your laptop. You should probably go to bed. You have school tomorrow.

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 1.14.25 AM.png

Highly self-referential hypertext game and diary entry.
I made this instead of going to bed. (I should add that as a choice)
Made in Increpare's TinyChoice engine.
Underlying code is here: http://www.tinychoice.net/index.html?p=a5289a11a6d50e41abb1

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Strong's picture


Game File: 

Alladin really hates penguins! He hates them so much that he's going to kill them with the fast food industry somehow! AND YOU GOTTA HELP HIM! Use the mouse to murderdeathkill some penguins, bro!

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Pirate Kart 2
fizzhog's picture

The Worshipful Temple of Hermes Trismegistus

Game File: 

Themes: Still Life with Non-Things, Family Reunion, Hermes Trismegistus. These took me to a strange place so ... erm ... enjoy? And yes, the movement is meant to be like that.

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danyburton's picture

Making a browser game engine because all the existing ones suck

Around the time I posted my last post here last year was pretty much the last time I was productive for most of 2020. For some reason after that my brain became totally fried and I couldn't work on anything anymore. Near the end of the year I decided to retire and had a break from trying and failing to work on games until this year and now I am coming out of retirement to make some new good shit.
Right now I am making a new game library for browser games which I am going to call fish-tank or somethign like that. It's closest inspiration is lua löve which I think is just about the perfect game making library. It does stuff and it does it with ease, but it doesn't have much of it's own internal state which forces you to structure your game around state that the library creates (this is the reason I despise all existing browser game libraries and needed to make my own). Having little state from the library is great because it means you can pretty much design your game however you like and create whatever abstractions seem useful.
My library is a fair bit higher level than lua love admittedly, basically anything that I always implement in a game I make I am just implementing into this library which means some features by default are kind of limited to the kind of use case that I have. However, it is also designed so that all of the subsystems like renderer, soundplayer, inputhandler etc can be swapped out with your own version, you just have to implement one or two features that the library actually uses internally, like for example the inputhandler needs to provide functions for the gui system to know when the user presses buttons that control the gui. Since these subsystems are just built on top of web apis it's not that hard to implement your own one (except the graphics one, that was a real bitch).
When I say they are implemented how I use them, for example, the input handler takes all input from the keyboard and any connected gamepads and maps all of it into one virtual game controller, so all you can ask it is 'is the B button pressed' and it checks all of those actual input sources then tells you for the imaginary controller. So if you need 2 player or want to handle the mouse you are gonna have to create your own at the moment. To be honest though 2 player and mouse support should probably be added to the default one later.
Yeah so at this point the library is almost done, I just need to do the necessary stuff to implement the gui system, and then I have an approximately finished game library v1.0.0. Once that is done I am gonna make a metroidvania type game where the whole game is in a house but you have to shrink and then you can talk to rats and stuff and go inside pipes. wahooo.
Also I am gonna bring back my website and I am gonna release a scathing polemnic on why I hate the 'alt-game' label.

Unintentional Christmas Tree

Game File: 

Use the arrow keys to move the floor left and right. If a block lands where the floor is a different colour to itself, something bad happens depending on the mode; otherwise, it stays where it lands. Press space to release all landed blocks and gain points; the more blocks on the ground, the more points you get. Easy mode does not have a lose condition.

left/right, A/D: move.
space, up, W: release blocks on the ground.
1, 2: select a mode on the title screen.
1, 2, enter, space: continue at the lose screen.
escape, backspace: quit to title; exit at title.

W/A/D works for other keyboard layouts too: QWERTZ, AZERTY, Dvorak, Colemak.

Joseph Lansdowne
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qrleon's picture

2018 LÖVE Platformer Project(s)

So I've been interested in making some platformers in LÖVE / Love2d for a while, but haven't produced much of anything so far, until this month. To get the ball rolling and reduce procrastination, I started writing more: jotting notes on paper, keeping a personal diary, and writing up public-facing devlogs with weekly goals. (Warning: unfocused ramblings about platformers). I found that writing about ZZT here helped a lot in the summer.

It is my intention to get something playable out the door between now and the end of the year. It would be a mistake to take on something larger than I can realistically pull off, so I've put my current ideas on the backburner, and I'm setting a goal to make something small but wholly realized in about two weeks. This would help me find issues in my current codebase, get familiar with packaging LÖVE games, and also give me something tangible for my efforts.

I wrote up an idea that has been in the back of my mind for a while, started a simple XM soundtrack, and outlined how gameplay would work yesterday. But I'm realizing today that I won't have the energy to pull it off in two weeks. So back into the cabinet that one goes. Started on another idea, but upon review, its workload requirements are also too high for this timeframe. Think smaller, damn it!

I need to take a few steps back. There are platformers with very little to them that are still very enjoyable. I'll post some more once I've got something that's scaled appropriately.

Protohm Johnny's picture

Strange Gallery Experience

Strange Gallery Experience Image.PNG

Experience a strange gallery.

Inspired by some things goin' on in GT and beyond.

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Son of a dolphin's picture


there is only one room and no secrets at all

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Smedis2's picture

Solitaire Screensaver


I made a screensaver based off of Solitaire's win screen

TO INSTALL: (This is for XP, slightly different for Vista/7)
Download attachment
Go to My Computer>C:>Windows
Drop the .SCR into there
Go to Control Panel>Appearance and Themes>Display>Screensavers
Choose windowscards
Enjoy the Screensaver

Solitaire.zip534.68 KB
quasiotter's picture

klikmas19 from quasiotter to everyone who signed up for klikmas lol

Screen Shot 2019-12-25 at 8.32.05 AM.png
Game File: 

hi ok i missed the sekret santa signup it made me super sad so i decided to make a story for everyone !! i took one of the items from each wishlist and put it in the game (if u had 5 items i chose one) some of the items in the game are directly referred to but some of them are only implied and they are in order from top of the page to the bottom. um i think that's it for now lol

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Made For: 
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