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CharlieVermin's picture


Game File: 

You are a young and ambitious sphere who feels ready to run for the president. Can you get the support of the majority in a country of two strongly opposing factions? Find out in this action puzzle game than only uses dark blue, yellow and magenta colors unless it uses gray. I made this game in two days after spending several days on having good intentions and producing absolutely nothing. Challenge yourself and spend ten minutes on this!

Or five minutes and fifty seconds. If you win the game this fast, you will be better than me.

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Smedis2's picture



(Instructions in game, just wait for a few seconds at the title.)
(Also, please read the TXT included. I beg you to.)


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hellojed's picture

Complicated Tank Game

Game File: 

I tried to make a game on the plane, and ended up adding a bunch of things.

Fun fact, I had a Led Zepplin song stuck in my head the whole time, and the plane suffered a hydraulic failure midway through development, so I ended up not finishing it and sitting in the plane with a whole lot of existential anxiety...would the last thing I ever see be a rerun of "Antiques and Uniques" on the plane's in-flight entertainment system? (nope)

Leo Burke
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FlaviusMaximus's picture


Game File: 


press 1, 2 or 3 to change control between the 3 characters.
only the blue one can press the blue switch, and only the red one can press the red switch.
go get the banana go go
peel it

feel the banana

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wibi's picture



Continuing from the final stage of SUPER KAIZO PLING 2: KAIZO PLING 3...
John Balls finds himself ploughing through the very walls below him as the flippers smash into his limp body over and over and over. All he had wanted was to hit some bumpers and score a few X's, but what resulted was a mind-changing journey that would forever render him mentally unstable. It was as if he was tripping so hard that his breaking of the fabric of reality was recognized by everyone around him, which certainly seemed like the case to the street gang he found himself in front of after being collision-glitched to the final segment of the stage. Right at his feet he saw an X, but one of the gangmen took it away.

John Balls found himself pleading, "Please man, just hand over the X. I don't need anyone else in my life to get hurt."

One of the burlier members sneered. "Us, get hurt? You can't knock us down if we were bowling pins in a-" John Balls did not even care to let the man finish his metaphorical comparison. He used the knife that was apparently in his hand the whole time and stabbed him. Then he stabbed him again. It was a horrible thing to do, but John Balls' mind was already corrupted. He could almost hear
. The other men started to run away, but in two seconds flat, John Balls had stabbed them all. John Balls found himself in a horrible situation as the police started driving by. He stabbed the police and was immediately shot. Like seriously, fuck law enforcement.
Then John Balls was a ghost. Not like a kind spirit worn out from years of love, but a horrifying edgy sharp mean rude scary spirit that you'd see the Ghostbusters chasing after. Halfway across the country, his brother Jon Balls, a successful chef using one of the sharpest and most refined knives in the world, was chopping up a nice chicken breast for his family who he loved as family. Using his ghost abilities, John Balls instantly transported to Jon Balls' residential household and possessed Jon Balls. Guess what happened. No really, guess.
Anyways, after the deed was done, Jon Balls put the bodies in the knife holder, drove out to the countryside and buried the knife behind his deceased grandfather's barn. John Balls' spirit wasn't really the sharpest tool in the shed. It was upon looking through the old barn that he found a large flipper - a pinball flipper - just hanging against the wall. By now, John Balls' spirit knew what to do with it. Jon Balls stood directly below the flipper, pressed the right arrow key on his keyboard, and collision glitched below the barnhouse, where a portal to a strange new dimension awaited him. But will John Balls' spirit ever learn why murder is bad?

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Random Dude Zombie Killer

Screenshot - 07_03_2012 , 2_21_31 PM.jpg

You are a Random Dude in the zombie Apocalypse. You get hit you die. Last as long as you can to get the biggest score possible!

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sergiocornaga's picture

Alpha Duck 5100: A Portrait of Perfection


Again, I thought the Global Game Jam project I worked on this year might appeal to a few folks here, seeing as it's a tough-as-nails ARG supplemented with shockingly badly acted FMV-inspired movie sequences that make me cringe. Check it out, and don't hesitate to ask for hints as you will likely need them.

OK, back to work on my Sekret Santa game.

kirkjerk's picture

Gamasutra on "How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days"

Slashdot linked to this article:

Of course, compared to the KotMK, the time is out and out leisurely! Still some interesting thoughts.

Man, I gotta start getting more into the rest of the modern super-indy scene.

SophieH's picture

Detective Gary and the lack of mysteries


Detective Gary is looking for a case!

Sophie Houlden
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fotocopiadora's picture

pump city xx


just a small zone

made in bitsy

(arrow keys/wasd to move)

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