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Break the Lasers


An attempt to make a Robotron clone to familiarize myself with Game Maker and get a feel for the 2-hour-jam format. Successful in that I'm now a lot better with Game Maker and like the format.

Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

Authentic Celestial Shiv


Guide your Authentic Celestial Shiv through celestial space authentically in this high-speed scrolling gank-them-up.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Danni's picture

A Klik Khistmas: Sekret Santa Klub 2012

Tue, Dec 18 2012 12:00 AM
12/18/2012 - 00:00
12/26/2012 - 00:00

Feel like spreading the holiday cheer this year? Why not be a Secret Santa? Make the game your friend always wanted! Here's how it works:

- Sign up before December 18th to get entered into the hat drawing!
- On the 18th, you will get a private message telling you who your assigned Santee is! You will have roughly one week to make a game for your Santee! Santees: post gift ideas in this thread so your Secret Santa knows what kind of game to make.
- Post your game here at some point during the 25th! Don't worry if you're a few days late - I'm sure you'll probably be busy with relatives out of town or what-not. Just try to get it in at some point before the new year.

A few extra rules: Basically, only make a game for your Santee, and only make one game.

Edit: Yes, intentional misspelling

Games made for A Klik Khistmas: Sekret Santa Klub 2012

FlaviusMaximus's picture

Shoot (Fuck the Game)

Game File: 

This game is a bit normal. and i am so sorry about that. i just wanted to test my own shmup system and well, i made a cool game i guess.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

The 5 Amingos

Game File: 

Here is a second compilation of 5 games (a sequel to 3 of Kind) where there are some sort of 4th wall breaking secrets. If you like fruit and if you like bugs and if you like tough puzzling games, you'll like this.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

This is an art game.


This is my first attempt at an art game.
It's really deep and makes you think.

Made For: 
An event

Johnny 666

Game File: 

A Kimberly Kubus fangame, made with good intentions. Johnny lives forever!!!

For more games go to:

Made For: 
An event
snapman's picture

Itchy Birds

Game File: 

These birds have an itch they can't scratch.
That's because they have no hands!

Scratch it for them, through lots of trial and error.
Retry forever to get the perfect high score!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Do you remember the end of the world?

Game File: 

The world has ended. All you do is go back through it's final moments, piecing together why things happened rather than how.
It's a weird and silly adventure game made for the Pirate Kart V and inspired by the words published on RPS.
I previewed it so that I'm sure that this time it has the right screenshot.

Made For: 
An event
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