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Wrath of the T Wrecks

The Wrath of the T Wrecks.png

an album i made for Glorious Tunewrecks over the course of the event. the track order is loosely based on the order in which the songs were made.

01 tunewreck 1 [1:24]
02 legday [1:19]
03 hub (Versions for Versions) [0:58]
04 tunewreck 2 [1:21]
05 knpwave [3:20]
06 intermission [1:16]
07 t7 [1:32]
08 NewNoise [1:42]
09 afraid [1:42]
10 hub (Fond but Not in Dub) [1:01]
11 danny [1:51]
12 dannyloses [1:43]
13 hubris [2:02]

download includes mp3 versions and mod versions in case you want to play them back in a tracker (or pry the samples). there are also a few outtakes in the mod folder since .mod is such a tiny format.

flac versions coming to bandcamp maybe eventually and by eventually i mean now. shouldnt support the union-buster website but this is a free download so they can't get a cut off shit.

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kirkjerk's picture

KotM; KNP or Java Processing? YOU DECIDE!

So i know I spent way too much time whinging about being the only guy not writing stuff in KNP for the Pirate Kart, but still I'd like to ask the (ir)regulars here: assuming I can get to a computer in time for this weekend's KotM, should I do something in Java Processing or Klik N Play?

Both have their pros and cons. I can do more and more interesting stuff in Java, though I haven't yet worked up getting the sound libraries going. KNP is more in the spirit of what everyone's doing, and I'm more like to get the abuse of clip art and sounds going.

(at some point, I'd like to get into trying to build engines more than games. I guess I'm more of a Carmack than a Romero, if you know what I mean, or at least aspire to that.)

Leo's picture

Clown sommelier in the hell of the evil demons clowns

Game File: 

Game made for Grid Grind 2021!!!!

Place: the world of demons
Person: Clown sommelier
Thing: cheese

Arrows: move and crouch
Z: jumps
X: shoot cheese

CHEAT: in the tittle screen press UP-Arrow + Z to jump a Boss screen (shhh... it's a secret)

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everythingstaken's picture

Three of Kind

Game File: 

Here are three different small puzzle games. I originally made the different games in Klik n Play and then I imported it into MF2. Good luck!

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kirkjerk's picture

PAX East

Anyone going to Pax East?

If I wasn't so slammed I'd try to thing of something clever and Trainwrecksy to do there!

dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

nordic "jeepform" role-playing games are designed to encourage players to violate one another's boundaries, and the boundaries of the game itself, by forcing the players into uncomfortably personal territory. JEEPFORMER is an attempt to bring that dynamic into a klik & play game. as such, you'll need a partner - preferably someone who knows you well. a best friend or sexual partner is ideal!

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i will open all the boxes [incomplete]


Open boxes and run away until there's no more reason to.

There's a bunch of notes in the code. They're largely for my benefit. Feel free to ignore them.

(First revision is still available at: http://www.puzzlescript.net/play.html?p=7c6f45d3fb68651f97577fe99ae3e6b5)

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The 4th Coming of Jesus: the game

Game File: 

Ok, jesus is coming for the fourth time! Play and see if he succeeds!

Not quite a game but hey, I'm happy with it. There's a surprise twist ending, too!

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denson's picture


Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 23.49.18.png

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