
jonbro's picture

rocket jackhammer

rocket jackhammer.jpg

a game where you are a jackhammer with rockets.

use the arrow keys to control if you can. break the rocks. will probably crash after one playthrough. Just including the source file this time.

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dessgeega's picture



a game for the igf.

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Gravity Gunner


You are piloting a space fighter with no weapons, save for the Half-Life-esque Gravity Gun, a device which pulls rocks towards your ship. Use it to navigate the treacherous interstellar terrain ahead. There's one small kink, though - once you start pulling a rock toward you, you can't stop pulling it toward you unless you select another rock. This means you'll have to dodge most of the things you drag out! Be nimble, spacedude.

This is inspired by the Game Boy game Nemesis: The Interstellar Assault in terms of visuals.

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An event

Portal Two-Dimensional


In the spirit of the advent of Portal 2, which was released a few minutes ago in the future, here is a two-dimensional version of the game. The story is different, and so are the puzzles.

I tried to make as many levels as I could in the time limit. There are 10 of them.

Z - Push against ground, thus forcing self upward as per Newton's third law.
Arrows - Impart motion upon self, or, conversely, aim the object held in hand (if any).
X - ???
C - ???

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An event



Mmmmhhhhmmm... balls.

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An event
kirkjerk's picture



It's Halloween! And once again, whoops, I forgot to make a game. So this is more like a toy / graphics-design exercise.

Move your monster ball around. Click to add a random monster head, or hit the first letter for a [v]ampire,[w]itch,[g]host, or [f]rankstein monster. Space resets.

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An event
kirkjerk's picture



umm, like that old real lifegame, what was it, Crossfire?

player 1 uses a and d key, player 2 uses left right arrow

try and push the squares into your opponents goal!

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An event
kirkjerk's picture



a blatant retread of "rotatin' rocket race" but with a bee.
I actually like the weird control scheme of this one a lot.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2



Get ready for the most high tech game to ever go on anything ever. Its also the most fun game to go on anything ever and the most best game and also everything.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
kirkjerk's picture



simple buzz and gun with an odd little control scheme...

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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