
everythingstaken's picture

New Jersey Transit


here is a game about trains
inspired by these other train games
games in this train simulation meme

i started working on it some time in october after jake's came out but it has been inspired by all of these

also sorta inspired by airplane mode

this is a game you are supposed to enact for others. like, i would show this to people and play the instruments and tell a story, i mean, you can do whatever you want with this i'm not going to stop you or i could stop you i could swat you but, that's not my style, my style is different than that style okay okay, thank you for playing the game or at least reading this okay thanks sincerely, the train

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An event
jrpgcombatsystems's picture



(update 22 April: PC version PC room slowdown bug fixed.)

1 large game, 4 small games
Content Warning (only for the first game):
self-harm, sexual harassment, graphic sexual content

produced by 000, 888, EIT, DEN, and KAS

The project files are included, so you can edit these if you'd like. If you do so, read the README.txt.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
rosden's picture

Spinning circles (30 min jam game)

game 9.PNG


arrow keys/WASD: move
R: restart room
P: fullscreen toggle

A small toy-like game about drawing with a circle that rotates around you when you move

I made this in 30 minutes

Made For: 
An event
rosden's picture

Black rainbow tiles (30 min jam game)

game 2.PNG

arrow key/WASD: Move
R:restart room

A small toylike game about creating colourful circles by moving over black tiles that I made in 30 minutes

Made For: 
An event
rosden's picture

A source of colour (30 min jam game)

game 1.PNG

arrow keys/WASD: Move
Space: make colours
R: restart

A small toylike game about creating colours I made in 30 minutes

Made For: 
An event

A TRAIL of a time!!!


You jumped into the sun and reached a new plane of existence!

Now the sky belongs to you... so decorate it as you please!

A little art tool/toy thingy.

Made For: 
An event
kirkjerk's picture


Screen Shot 2013-06-15 at 8.43.54 PM.png

a lame non-game toy that just didn't come out very well. draw with the mouse.

any key resets

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
mcc's picture

Devil's Chord

Screen shot 2012-11-17 at 8.20.28 PM.png

I spent today making this, for some reason. Then I realized there was a KOTM today. I am retroactively declaring this a KOTM project. It makes music. Illegal music. Diabolic music. Okay, by that I actually just mean there are tritones involved.

Source code:

Decoder ring:

Click a ring to increase pitch by one semitone
Right-click (or shift-click) a ring to decrease pitch by one semitone
Ctrl-click a ring to disable or enable it
Left and right arrow keys to speed and slow the alternator
R key: Reset everything
B key: Reset alternator, leave notes unaffected
Number keys: Load notes: (1) Tritones (2) Tritones [shifted up 3] (3) Tritones [descending] (4) Tritones plus tritones shifted up 3 (5) Hum (6) Higher hum (7) High buzzing (8) Pentatonic scale (9) Major chord (0) Liz's chord

Mac and Windows versions included.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
kirkjerk's picture


Screen Shot 2012-10-20 at 8.41.55 PM.png

After doing 14 Hour Comics Day, I was tired, so I only made a toy.

You control a ectoplasmpuck that can interact with a set of playful ghosts and bounce them around. Press mouse button to stop the ghosts from their playful game of tag and attract them to the puck.

Err, that's it, really.

Made For: 
An event
Noyb's picture

A More Perfect Universe (Ludum Dare-wreck)


Heavily obfuscated, possibly unfinished thing inspired by the Ludum Dare theme of Tiny World.

Mouse only.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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