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thesycophant's picture

Jill of the City in Wrangler Denim and Shoes Enslavement Escape Adventure


You're Jill of the City, an enslaved adult female! Escape the evil city of enslavement with the assistance of Wrangler denim and shoes!

Press X to jump!

John D. Moore
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An event
juliette's picture

Terrifying Drive


Not all that terrifying really.

Juliette Porée
Made For: 
An event
bagenzo's picture

dream metro quadrilogy

Game File: 

four small lands based on recurring dreams i've had, along with some thoughts

made in/to be played in katelabs


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Remember the Magnum Pie Trainwreck?

Well me and my buddies decided to do some awesome FLASH GLORIOUS TRAINWRECKS featuring Magnum Pie
We have created a whole Magnum Pie series!



You are a gibbed head in Quake. You need to roll around and find your body before it respawns! But it may be too late...

A game by Thanny Mack (thannymack.com)

Thanny Mack
Made For: 
An event

Arvi Teikari

I guess we should selfishly praise ourselves here, ey?

I am a Finnish Game-Creationist and I've been using Clickteam products for 7 years, approximately. Most of that time I've been either a terrible copycat idiot or a genius copycat mastermind. The line between is arbitrary.


Hey, this bio is totally annoying to write! I can't think of anything clever yet witty to say about myself! Even that bio pic isn't the one I would have wanted to choose, but the best one has long since disappeared. I envy all the people who get great game ideas and actually make games out of those ideas. The latter I can't do most of the time.

Looking at the bio list, most people have even shorter biographies than me, so maybe I can just add a couple more linebreaks and call it a day.


Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Bad Stephen

Game File: 

a real life story of game development during Pirate Kart 2012

Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Klik & Klaus: Sekret Santa Klub 2014

Tue, Dec 16 2014 12:00 AM
12/16/2014 - 00:00
01/01/2015 - 00:00

Ho ho ho! It's that time of year again!

Introducing the THIRD annual Sekret Santa Klub! Sign up! Get your name drawn from a hat! Make a game! Who has your name? Who knows! But whoever drew your name will be making a game just for you!

Here are the rules:

- Sign up before December 11th to get entered into the hat drawing!
- Post gift ideas in this thread so your Secret Santa knows what kind of game to make.
- On the 11th, you will get a private message telling you who your assigned Santee is! You will have roughly two weeks to make a game for your Santee!
- Post your game here at some point during the 25th! Don't worry if you're a few days late. Just try to get it in at some point before the new year.

Reminder: Each Santee gets ONE (1) gift and ONE (1) gift only.

UPDATE! Signups are still being accepted! We will have a second drawing for those who didn't make it in time by the 11th!

UPDATE 2! The second name drawing has occurred, and signups are now closed. Thanks for participating!

Games made for Klik & Klaus: Sekret Santa Klub 2014

SpindleyQ's picture


Game File: 
Yon 'Q' of Clan Spindley

ack in olden tymes, during thy reigne of Queene Henry XIV, Santa Clause was a Dragynne! He doth deliverith presentse to the nice children, and did burne downe yon houses of thy naughty. Take controle of Dragonsanta in this historically accurate Renaissance Simulatione, and useth yon Psychic Dragone Powers to feparate the nice from the naughty. Try not to punish good childrynne or reward bad ones!

(Partial game design credits go to my four-year-old son, who suggested I make a game about "alligators fighting with dragons." When asked for a more festive idea, he offered "dragons in Christmas.")

(May have problems working in Firefox for some people?)

Made For: 
An event
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